LabVIEW Embedded on the Zbrain Plattform

Graphical Programming: Rethinking Embedded Systems!

Whitepaper (Master document)

For complex projects and tight time-to-market, developers appreciate the Zbrain platform with graphical LabVIEW programming. Decision-makers can scale seamlessly and efficiently from feasibility studies and MVPs to prototypes, series products and testing.

Download Whitepaper (EN)

The Charm and Benefit of Graphical Programming with LabVIEW


This whitepaper is ideal for anyone who is looking for a quick and easy introduction to graphical programming and wants to familiarize themselves with LabVIEW and its data-centric principle. The advantages and disadvantages of this graphical method are also addressed.

Download Whitepaper (EN)

LabVIEW Embedded with Linux on ARM and FPGA


For those interested in learning more about the use of LabVIEW in embedded applications and the underlying technology, this whitepaper provides a deep dive. It offers additional insights and knowledge that some might not expect from LabVIEW.

Download Whitepaper (EN)

LabVIEW 1000m Below the Waves


Gas production in the Ormen Lange in Norway’s largest industrial project to date required permanent condition monitoring due to extreme deep-sea conditions. The solution presented here – an autonomous pipeline monitoring system – consists of several synchronized nodes that analyze vibrations and water parameters and communicate wirelessly via acoustic modems.

Download Whitepaper (EN)

LabVIEW Embedded Applications in Action!


The possible applications of LabVIEW on embedded hardware are just as diverse as the general application flexibility of LabVIEW itself. They range from stationary applications to mobile handheld measuring devices. From condition monitoring and predictive maintenance to energy generation and transmission to mobility and transportation.

Download Whitepaper (EN)

Webinar Embedded-Systeme mit Innovation und Effizienz entwickeln (german)

In the webinar you will learn more about graphical programming for embedded systems, which enables entrepreneurs to innovate, product managers to test ideas and engineers to cope with complexity and time pressure.

You will receive detailed insights into the following topics:

  1. How to increase market value, save development costs and reduce financial risk thanks to Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).
  2. How graphical programming redefines embedded systems and masters complex tasks with tight time-to-market.
  3. How to use the immense power of the information dimension productively and thus become more competitive

For entrepreneurs, it is crucial to drive innovation and achieve progress. Do they want to know whether their company is on track and keeping pace in terms of know-how, costs and ROI? Product managers want to assess whether the market and customers are ready for a new idea. Development engineers are faced with the challenge of implementing complex projects for embedded systems under time pressure without neglecting quality.

Together, we strive to stay focused in a distracting world, create value, deliver at the highest level and achieve results quickly. How do we succeed? This live webinar provides answers! In the style of Yin & Yang – the unity of opposites.

Minimum Viable Products (MVP, german)

Eine Idee im Realitätscheck

Die entscheidenden Fragen in der Entwicklung lauten:
Braucht der Markt mein Produkt und sind die Kunden bereit dafür?
Minimum Viable Products geben darauf eine Antwort.

Download Whitepaper (DE)

Die Power der Information entschlüsseln (german)

Wie wir Komplexität zähmen und im Datenspiel gewinnen

Warum Information eine neue Dimension ist, die Schranken beseitigt, das Zeug zum Game-Changer hat, die Tür zu einer neuen Epoche aufstößt und uns verheißungsvolle Wettbewerbsvorteile bietet

Download Whitepaper (DE)